We are very pleased to announce that our catch basin insert, the Enviropod LittaTrap ™ FC (Full Capture), has received certification from the California State Water Board and is now listed as a Full Capture Device for Trash Treatment Control.

The Full Capture model now available in California, meets the Californian regulations for 100% trash control and underwent a strict, independent evaluation to gain approval.

You can view the LittaTrap FC model certification by clicking the following link here: https://app.hubspot.com/documents/7140565/view/97079419?accessId=665363

Originally developed and designed by the founders of Enviropod, Enviropod catch basins inserts have been available across Australasia since 1996, so it is gratifying that we can now offer our technologies in California to assist city councils and the private sector to meet their regulatory requirements, and importantly take action to help protect waterways and oceans for our future generations.

TheEnviropod LittaTrap™ FC and our other Grate and Curb Inlet Filter product line is now available from Clean Waters USA, Inc., in California.

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