Foodstuffs, New Zealand's largest supermarket launched a new pilot programme to stop waste flowing to the sea. The programme will see the installation of 125 LittaTraps in supermarket carparks at eleven of their stores over the coming months, with the view to roll-out to wider group.
Mike Sammons, Sustainability Manager for Foodstuffs announced this initiative on World Oceans Day ( June 8) accompanied by Associate Minister for the Environment, Eugenie Sage and Laurie Foon from the Sustainable Business Network.
“It is our privilege to have the Minister join us to celebrate this new initiative to help clean up our waterways on World Oceans Day. Our pilot will see the installation of 125 LittaTraps in supermarket carparks over coming months which is part of Foodstuffs’ wider commitment to sustainability.
“Recent trials with single traps at New World Browns Bay and New World New Lynn in Auckland have demonstrated the efficacy of the system. We captured everything from organic leaf matter and cigarette butts to soft plastics, polystyrene beads and straws. If all storm drains at Browns Bay had a LittaTrap installed a total of 7322 pieces of plastic and other litter could be caught over a 12-month period. Captured waste is carefully disposed of in landfill.”
Press release from New Zealand Government on the initiative below:
For more on the LittaTrap or this programme contact