Innovative New Zealand stormwater specialists bring marine litter prevention technology to Canada to tackle the alarming issue of plastics in The Great Lakes.

EnviroPod introduce the New Zealand invention LittaTrap™ to tackle the issue of plastics in The Great Lakes.

The LittaTrap is an innovative, low-cost stormwater drain catch basin insert developed by EnviroPod, a visionary company committed to developing innovative solutions to prevent plastics and pollutants reaching the waterways. 

Established in 1996, EnviroPod has installed over 25,000 of their patented technologies worldwide and has developed the LittaTrap to address the increase in pollutants, particularly plastic, reaching the waterways through stormwater runoff.

“LittaTrap is a low-cost solution to prevent plastic pollution in our waterways that can be easily installed into new or existing drainage infrastructure,” said Mike Hannah, President at EnviroPod. “We all know the damage plastic is having on the marine environment, and with an estimated 80% of the pollution coming from land, stopping it at source is a logical solution. By installing a LittaTrap in a catch basin we can capture and retain plastic and pollutants that would normally be washed down the stormwater drain and out into rivers, lakes, and oceans.”

On the company’s move to Canada, “ the amount of plastic reaching the Great Lakes is reaching tipping point, and with our success reducing the amount of plastic reaching the waterways across New Zealand and Australia, offering a low-cost, easily maintained, effective solution to other markets seemed to be the next logical step.”

The company has partnered with Imbrium Systems,  Canada’s leading stormwater provider to dstribute the LittaTrap across Canada. EnviroPod see this as a fantastic opportunity that enables two quality-focused companies to leverage their independent strengths and work together to reduce stormwater pollution and the increasing impact on the waterways.

Through the partnership, Imbrium Systems will distribute the product nationwide and the LittaTrap will fill a void in their current suite of stormwater solutions for a low-cost, high-performance catch basin insert to further the companies goal in providing solutions in the interest of water quality and a healthy environment.  

The product is available for purchase from EnviroPod Canada or Imbrium Systems

For more information, please contact:

Greg Yeoman
Enviropod Canada

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