We are proud to work with Storm Water Inspection & Maintenance Services, Inc as our preferred installation partner, who like us are committed to keeping California’s waterways and coastline clean.
Founded in 2000, SWIMS is committed to keeping California’s waterways and coastline clean. From locations in both theNorthern and Southern parts of the state, we service and maintain storm water systems for industrial, commercial, and residential sites as well as municipalities. Additionally, we install and maintain erosion measures for construction sites across Northern California.
We strive to provide superior customer service and unparalleled expertise in storm water pollution prevention. Our commitment is to provide cost-effective and compliant solutions that meet EPA & NPDES storm water regulations.
Across California, owners and managers of office parks, HOAs, manufacturing sites, shopping centers, healthcare facilities, restaurants, educational institutions, and municipalities rely uponSWIMS to perform regular inspections, preventative maintenance, and emergency service on every aspect of their storm water systems.
Specifically in Northern California, we also make life easy for construction project managers by installing and maintaining erosion control measures in addition to providing site dewatering services.
In order to provide our customers with a“one-stop” solution for their storm water system needs, we have partnered with producers of only the highest quality products. Our staff is trained by these manufacturers to ensure effective application of the catch basin filters, curb inlet filters, vault cartridges, and other products that are critical to capturing debris and pollutants.
We know a thing or two about trash capture because we offer our own connector pipe screen trash capture device, StormTek™.The LittaTrap™ inlet filters offered by Enviropod International absolutely deliver on their promise of durability and effectiveness. Moreover, we like the flexibility of the design and ease of installation. Selling and installing LittaTrap™ filters allows us to ensure that our customers’ storm water systems will perform well.
Of course, quality products only work when they are installed and serviced properly. Our teams are highly trained and experienced in inspecting and maintaining BMPs, green areas like bio swales, and vaults to ensure compliance with regulation and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP). Customers depend upon us for regular inspections, testing, sediment and debris removal, media cleaning and replacement, pump outs, and detailed reporting.
SWIMS serves Northern and Southern California with storm water system maintenance services, and Northern California with construction site erosion control and dewatering services.
For more on SWIMS https://swimsclean.com/